Terms and ConditionsMedical Release: The undersigned, on behalf of the Student and/or his or herself, certifies that the Student is in good health and may participate in all activities at Nevada School of Dance (NSD). In case of an emergency requiring medical treatment and the legal guardian (if the Student is under 18 years of age) is not immediately available, the undersigned hereby authorizes NSD, and/or its employees and/or agents, to obtain medical care and treatment for the Student and the undersigned accepts payment responsibility for any such care and treatment.
Liability Release: The undersigned, on behalf of the Student and/or his or herself, gives consent for the Student to participate in Nevada School of Dance (NSD) programs, and is aware that dance training and the athletic exercises associated with it may place unusual stress on the body and carry the risk of physical injury that includes, but is not limited to, muscle strains and tears, broken bones, or even death. On behalf of the Student, and/or his or herself, the undersigned assumes the risk in consideration of the benefits derived from NSD. Furthermore, on behalf of the Student and/or his or herself, the undersigned waives all rights, causes of actions, and releases any and all claims by or from the Student that may arise against Nevada School of Dance NSD (and/or any of its employees, managers and/or agents) while the Student is participating in activities with NSD or while in the act of being transported to and from such activities (including any and all consequential damage claims which the Student and/or the undersigned may be entitled to recover from, without regard to the negligence of the parties). The undersigned does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless, release and discharge the building owners, and Nevada School of Dance, staff, managers, assistants, agents, representatives, instructors, directors and/or owners. Furthermore, the undersigned agrees to provide health insurance for the Student or guarantee payment of and all medical expenses incurred as a result of Nevada School of Dance (NSD) activities. The undersigned acknowledges that activities such as tree climbing, skateboarding, rollerblading, or any other sport that requires physical activity and/or a helmet is not permitted in front of or anywhere near or around the property of 6072 South Durango Dr. 89113 and assumes full responsibility for any resulting injuries or damages. Media Release: Photographs and videotape footage of Nevada School of Dance (NSD) students are sometimes used in NSD publications, local newspaper, television ads and on NSDʼs web page. The undersigned, on behalf of the Student, and/or his or herself, gives Nevada School of Dance permission to use such photographs and videotape footage of the Student for such use. |